What we offer


To embark into a collection with patrimonial vocation requires a knowledge of the art market, but also juridical qualifications, if we want that what is acquired is also an investment.

Worried of building a sustainable relationship of trust, our approach is above all based on the listening and the understating of the personality and tastes of our customers. It is part of a custom-made initiative operating in the strict respect of four fundamental values that are independence, transparency, confidentiality and rigor.

The elaboration of an art collection has to answer to a few criteria. Its departure point is the happiness and emotion that results from the purchase of artwork, while speculation and potential gains in the resale remain hypothetical and random.

Nevertheless, the purchase of artwork answers requirements and prerequisite that will be appreciated by a professional.

Faced with the growing art market, more and more individuals righty wish to place their assets and so answer to a triple preoccupation, relative to pleasure, diversification and optimization. It looks then essential for them to be accompanied by specialists who are independent from the numerous actors of the art market. They need specialists who will give their expertise, both in the artistic and legal understanding, as well as the financial and fiscal aspects of the question.

The broad area of competence concerns in particular the proposal of emergent artists, the verification of authenticity and value of the artworks, the analysis of market trends and the tax system.